Year round - weekly delivery subscription service providing certified organic vegetables & fruit to homes throughout Central Minnesota.
Real Food Hub is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping local growers succeed by helping people stay safe, healthy, & eat local!
Being a cancer survivor for over 20 years has made me shift my perspective on health services and a healthy lifestyle. I wanted to focus on what we use in our everyday lives and how I can improve that for everyone’s benefit. Real Food Hub is a subscription-based alternative to regular grocery shopping; we source all organic and locally sourced ingredients that you would be using in your day-to-day cooking. One of the biggest factors for an unhealthy lifestyle is convenience – well, we make it health convenient for you!
Your 6-week subscription includes 7 to 9 items every week, always including fruit and chosen for rainbow produce colors on the food wheel.
Recipes are included using the Bounty Bag ingredients for that week.
There is one unifying factor about our produce that is our freshness within every produce. We have the freshest produce available for you.
Every resource available to us is available to you! We purchase our produce exclusively from local growers.
At the root of our business are experienced individuals who are more than willing to help and offer their assistance.